Let's work together

If you’re a public sector decision-maker, we can help you engage with young people and centre their perspectives in your mahi.

We can Help you:

  • hear from young people about their experiences, perspectives, and needs
  • make sense of what you have heard, and think about what these insights may mean for your work
  • consider how youth engagement might support your strategic objectives, and when and how to go about it
  • build excitement in your team for the possibilities that youth voice might hold for you mahi!

How we work

Here at The Hive we’re committed to building strong, respectful relationships between young people and decision-makers. We ask everyone working with us to honour three engagement principles. Go to "What is the Hive" to check these out.

What we offer

We’ll work with you to design a process that reflects your desired outcomes, timeframes, and budget. here are some options To give you an idea of what’s possible.

Youth insights

Wanna hear from young people on a specific topic? The Hive can help you understand young people’s perspectives, experiences, and needs in a given area. You might want to know how taiohi feel about their wellbeing, Te Tiriti, the climate crisis, technology, media, or housing. We can help you find out.

Youth perspectives on policy, plans or reforms

Are you a decision-maker wanting to make better decisions, deliver on strategic priorities, and create lasting, positive impact for young people in Aotearoa? Firstly, The Hive can translate the key components of your proposed policy, plan or reform for a youth audience. Then we can gather taiohi perspectives and bring you the insights.

Youth feedback on a programme, system, or service

Are you delivering a programme, system, or service? Want to understand how well it’s working for taiohi? The Hive can help reveal how young people are experiencing your offering and highlight opportunities for improvement.

Insight gathering by The Hive

We can scale our insight gathering processes up or down depending on your needs

Quicker Cheaper Narrower


We design, publish, and promote a simple social media-based engagement on a single platform. We collate the responses, surface insights, and summarise our findings in a written report.

You report back on how The Hive’s insights have been used, and the outcomes generated by our work together.

We close the loop with our Hivers, online communities, and in-person participants, letting them know the impact their voices had.


1 — 2 Weeks


$2000 - $10,000



We design, publish, and promote a series of social media-based engagements across multiple platforms using multiple tools, as well as designing and undertaking in-person one-on-one or small-group insight gathering. We then collate the feedback and surface insights, meeting with you to present our findings and following up with a written report.

To close the loop, you then report back on how The Hive’s insights have been used, and the outcomes generated by our work together. We share this with all the Hivers, online communities, and in-person participants, letting them know the impact their voices had.


4 — 12 Weeks


$10,000 - $40,000+

Got another idea?

If you want to explore another way of working with us, reach out!

Hot tips for good vibes

Working with young people and need to know what to nail?

Whether you’re working with The Hive or engaging in other ways with young people, here’s six tips on how to craft a winning partnership with taiohi.


Feed us

Young people need to be fed – literally, and metaphorically. We’re hungry for knowledge, opportunities, connections, validation, and always food.


Value our time

Remember we live full lives. We’re juggling school, work, after-school commitments, and supporting at home. Value us and our time and design your engagement around when we’re most likely to be available or online.


Decode the jargon

Help us make sense of the content and don’t confuse us with convoluted language or questions. Say it straight; if you make it easy for us to understand what you’re asking of us, then we’re more likely to participate.


Create easy access

Think about how accessible your engagement really is. Do we need transport or technology to participate? Are you convening in a place that’s easy for us to get to? Are you able to remove any barriers to our participation?


Connect to the things we care about

Sometimes it’s not immediately obvious to us why we should care about the deeply important policy that you’re pouring all of your time and energy into. Find ways to connect it to things we care about like climate, whānau, friendships, identity, purpose, place (our hometowns), or our future.


Close the loop

We want to know our voices have been heard. If you’re engaging with us, make sure you loop back to let us know what you’ve heard through the engagement and what you’re going to do with what you’ve heard.

These tips are available in our first Zine. Print your own!